Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Science of Blogging

Blogging is an exact science. My favorite inexact science is psuedochemistry, but that's a topic for some other time.

To blog correctly one must take into account a variety of factors, least of which is not boyancy. Boyancy is only slightly less important than surface tension. Suface tension is dependent on atmoshperic pressure, therefore making atmospheric pressure jump to the top of the list. Whithout atmoshperic pressure, there would be no blogging.

Newton wrote that the reason he was out there in his orchard was in preperation of that weekend's blogging. If it's good enough for Newton, it's good enough for me.


Nathan said...

ouch,in your face wish i was a crum

Benjamin Crum said...

NOTICE: This comment is being posted by an actual Crum.

Comment: I would like to point out that not only is everything in this post spelled correctly but the grammer is also without flaw. There is a website in developement (even as you read this comment) detailing the common "Crum" spellings of words, now accepted by MLA and the Chicago Manual of Style and Grammer and Spelling and Other English Things.