Thursday, June 16, 2011

Manic Depression

Counting Crows; August and Everything After, King's X; Dogman, Neil Young; Mirrorball. These are just a few of the albums missing from Peter's collection.

I've been hanging out here at the Colorado Crum family abode for the past few days, and I've been keeping track of what my eyes have seen. Let me give you a brief glimpse into this strange world:

8:15 am Aravis is the last one up. She shuffles downstairs to find Peter and Jude on the couch playing "just one game" of Halo Reach. Peter shows enormous amounts of self-control when he actually puts down the controller (Jude scored 24, Peter a measly 8) and heads upstairs to do some homework.

9:00 am the dogs have been fed, the kids are eating breakfast, I'm laughing at the fact that Peter has his DVDs arranged in alphabetical order.

10:37 am I am tired of watching Phineas and Ferb, so I head upstairs to find Peter drawing birthday cards instead of doing homework. He apparently feels bad that he's missed so many birthdays, so he's in the process of "catching up".

12:00 pm grilled cheese (with mozzarella), macaroni and cheese (from a box), chips and salsa, and cherry-apple juice for lunch.

12:35 pm Ashley is watering the garden, Aravis is reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Jude is doing something on Facebook. I head back downstairs to take a nap.

3:00 pm Peter is yelling something about getting shoes on and going to a park.

3:03 pm We are heading out to the car, the dogs go in the modified trunk and off we go.

3:10 pm Garter snakes seem to be the primary purpose for this excursion, we have such a weird family.

I could bore you with how the rest of the day went, not really much to say though.


Peter said...

Edwardo really should have pointed out that "Manic Depression" (a Hendrix cover)is the best track off the King's X album "Dogman", boy do I miss that album.