Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Importance of Being Edwardo

It's good to be Edwardo, and here's why: My mind is my own. Now I know what you're all saying, or thinking (hopefully you're not talking to yourself, but if there are others in the room I completely understand that you would be reading my blog aloud, as everyone would surely be interested to hear what I have written), you feel as though your mind is your own as well. I sense some doubt and hesitation in your response. Perhaps you even have some sort of ideological explination for not really thinking that your mind is your own, or maybe you truly are in denial and at this moment do believe that your mind is your own. I know better. You see, I was just at this new Sprite web site, now it doesn't really matter where I just was or what site it was, what does matter is that I'm here now, and so are you. The thing is, that even though we're both here (or all of us, if there are others listening to your narration), I am somewhere else as well. I mean while your mind is devoted to reading my blog, mine is off galavanting or something, perhaps I'm even sleeping right now. I may be the first person to realize that I can be at two places at one time, which only strengthens my case for my mind being my own. I feel saddened by the thought that most likely you will either sit and contemplate, or debate amongst those there with you about what I have said, but unfortunately I can not be there with you. You see, I'm somewhere else too right now, and I've got more important things to think about. Goodnight.


mom said...

I'm wondering if you've seen the movie Snake on a Plane, and if your opinion of it is different from Peter's.
I have not seen the movie, do not intend to see the movie, and don't even want to see previews of the movie. However, I can look at pictures of snakes in books without getting totally creeped out--although I do try to turn the page quickly and carefully from the corner.
Love, Peter's mom

Edwardo Crum said...

Because of my new-found multi-presence ability, watching films, even ones as undeserving as Snakes on a Plane has become necessary. I mean seriously, I get really bored sometimes with all this extra time on my hands. So to answer your question, I have also seen Snakes on a Plane. It actually was probably less scary then your page-turning adventures. When you have Samuel L. Jackson with his wit, his leather jacket and Mr. 9mm onboard your airliner, is there really anything to be afraid of? Now that's the very defenition of a rhetorical question.