Sunday, April 09, 2006

Idiots Who Blog

I hope that the title to this posting is not misleading, if you find that it is, you are most probably an idiot and should take it as a sign not to blog anytime in the, well ever.

My Purpose in writing this post is this: I don't have the time anymore to read blog pages or any other web pages that are written by idiots. Isn't that what television is for? Seriously, if you went to Cental Park and saw some chipmunks playing with some squirrels over Spring Break, what makes you think that this is worthy to occupy cyberspace? Even worse than that, you took a digital picture of this "cute" display of nature, and then you posted links to an Alvin and the Chipmunks fanclub! Perhaps I don't really care what you do in the privacy of your own home, with your own time and your own digital camera, but the moment you make this information avaliable in the public domain, you risk me stumbling across it accidentally and wasting valuable seconds before I come to the realization that those seconds were completely wasted and I can never get them back.

So here's my solution: Next time you go to Cental Park, take a journal and a nice Polaroid camera. Write down everything you see, everything you smell, hear and feel. Take plenty of pictures and mark them "Memento" style. Tape the pictures cleanly into you journal and then immediately dispose of the journal in one of the many conveniently located trash receptacles there in Central Park. Then when you come home, pretend that the whole trip never happened, and try reading blogs and, well just get rid of you keyboard, it's too much of a temptation.


Nate said...

But, chipmunks are so darn cute. O yes they are, O yes they are.

Benjamin Crum said...

but what if you saw a grizzly bear eating the chipminks? then would it be blog-worthy?